Jerry T. John
Game Designer, Programmer and Writer
My Work
My heart is in the work
Kurukshetra: Ascension
As Lead Technical Designer at Studio Sirah, I spent my time designing and implementing juicy moments of gameplay and feedback that were intense, satisfying, and most importantly, effective at communicating game mechanics to players.
I worked closely with multiple teams to ensure that the game design, art, and technical elements worked seamlessly together within the limitations of the hardware and the target platform.
Underworld Gang Wars
As Senior Game Designer at Mayhem Studios, I was involved in the level design and world creation of both maps for this upcoming Battle Royale game.
I wrote editor tools in Unreal that sped up the level design pipeline, and wrote inexpensive shaders that helped the team create visually varied and stylized assets that make the most of the limited polygon and memory budget of mobile devices.
Volcano Bay - Universal Orlando
Facial Mocap is no joke. The equipment is expensive; it requires skilled technicians to get captures, and it needs the touch of an artist in post to build a good performance.
Universal Orlando needed an inexpensive, and fast REAL-time solution for a new and upcoming attraction at Volcano Bay.
I used some clever Maths and and Xbox Kinect to teach a Volcano spirit how to lip-sync.
Bezier Curve Editor
Made an editor tool in Unity to streamline the production of multiple trace the path games. Enabled a large team of designers to quickly build, customize and deploy games that teach children numbers, shapes, and letters.
Used Bezier Curves, and Vector Calculus to make the tool as versatile and expressive as possible. This was done as part of my work as Technical Designer at BYJU's, in collaboration with Disney.